Know Where You Are AND Where You're Going | The Smile Squad #14

Know Where You Are AND Where You're Going | The Smile Squad #14

Know Where You Are AND Where You're Going

by Dr. Jesse Ritter

There are two pieces of information you MUST have clear in your mind if you hope to intentionally reach a goal:

1) Where you are now AND

2) Where you're going

If someone dropped you off in the middle of the desert 5 miles from a building with everything you needed to live, gave you water and a map, you would likely perish. Why?

The map would be useless without accurately knowing where you are on the map and where the building is. You would need to know the relationship between the two in order to devise an accurate plan.

Too often we aimlessly grind on, without an accurately defined path towards where we want to be.

When it comes to dental health, it's easy for you to think coming in for check ups and professional cleanings every 6 months is all that is necessary to reach your dental health goals.

Unfortunately, that's simply not true.

While that is an absolutely critical component of maintaining the level of dental health that you currently have, that alone will not get you to the next level of dental health you may desire.

Not until we've taken the time together to co-discover what your dental goals are (destination) AND the raw truth about where you are now (present), will we be able to create a customized road map to get and keep you to where you want to be.

Common destinations people desire are things like:

  1. Keeping all of my teeth
  2. Not having pain or dental emergencies
  3. Coming in for my check up and cleaning and being told I'm healthy and nothing is wrong
  4. Being able to travel or have dinner with friends and family and not worry about a tooth breaking
  5. Feeling confident in my smile. Feeling like it represents who I am on the inside. Feeling like it contributes to a positive first impression when I meet people. OR, just not having my smile and teeth NOT look bad.

Dental care frustrates a lot of people because it is historically reactive.

Problem. Solution. Repeat.

Goals reached? Nope. Health improvement? Typically not. Frustration and worry about when the next problem will come up? Absolutely.

It doesn't have to be that way.

This is why, for anyone who wants guidance in getting clear on their present dental health and goals for their dental health destination, I am happy to give an entire hour of my time to help them.

To be clear, I offer complimentary 1 hour consultations to help you get clear on your present situation, desired destination and potential options for getting you there.

So, whether it's your dental health or any other aspect of your life where you're striving, know where you are AND where you're going.

Practice News

Atticus James Faudale Has Arrived!!!

Lis gave birth to Atticus at 1:12 AM on September 27th. He was 7 lbs and 20 inches. Both Lis and Atticus are home now and doing very well!

Lis and Atti/AJ/Popeye/AT&T actually joined us via Zoom for our Team Meeting yesterday. :)

Congratulations to Lis for her healthy baby boy!

2nd In Office Milling Machine

We recently invested in a 2nd milling machine that will allow us to speed up multi-crown appointments and give an increased ability to do same day cosmetic or reconstructive cases.

Our goal with investing in a 2nd milling machine is to speed up your appointments. We know you all have busy lives to get back to and this should help with that!

Dr. David Bennett Pays Us A Visit

My good friend and mentor Dr. David Bennett, flew in from Denver last Thursday to hang out while we did a full mouth case for a wonderful patient of ours. He has been instrumental in helping me shape my philosophy of care and I'm grateful to him for his friendship and wisdom. (pic below)